Tuesday, June 26, 2012


現代社會毒素無所不在,因此 “排毒” 是十分重要的自我保健法,但健康排毒卻不是每個人都有的觀念。了解體內毒素的來源及其對身體的傷害,才能用適當的方法,飲食或藥物來排毒,若使用不當,不僅無法排毒,更可能導致另一種毒害。使用各種排毒法之前,應詢問醫師的意見,以免誘使其他併發症產生。在眾多食物中Vita雜誌特別邀請中醫師,生機專家與營養師等,挑選最適合東方人的十大排毒食物。許多人都會這麼想;”不生病就是健康“,然而,就是這樣錯誤的健康念,往往讓人在不知不覺中讓健康的身體被啃蝕掉。而造成不健康的最大主因,就是不正確的飲食觀念及生活習慣。其實,現代人身處在強大競爭壓力的生活中為了尋求平衡,讓口腹之慾不斷擴大,在長期接觸各式高脂肪,高膽固醇﹑高鈉﹑低纖維﹑低碳水化合物,化學添加物之後,使人們的免疫系統功能開始失調或衰退,進而罹患各種慢性病或導致疾病人侵。而發達的醫學科技,只讓我們不斷地陷於藥劑使用,卻忽略了根本的錯誤飲食習慣,不良生活習慣問題。而健康排毒食物,就是吃進去對身體有用的養分,排除對身體有負擔,有傷害的物質,讓身體保持健康的飲食方法。試想現代多種食物都混有農藥等,身體每時每刻接觸的毒素舉不勝舉,它們積累在體內,堵塞內臟,篩檢程式和動脈,導致可能的嚴重疾病,而且對肥胖症起到火上加油的作用,一旦毒素從體內排除了,脂肪也就自然會排出體外。大體上許多食物都有排毒效果,烹飪方式也會影響排毒。身體排毒的方法有許多,但用高纖低油低脂低糖低鹽的方式,以最普及化的地瓜,糙米,生鮮蔬果做排毒素食材,不但安全,經濟易實行,接受度高,且改變體質效果顯著。以下是十種隨手可得的排毒好食物。

1. 海藻 

2. 洋蔥 
洋蔥能促進腸胃蠕動,加強消化能力,且含有豐富的硫和蛋白質結合的情形最好,對肝臟特別有益,因此有助於排毒。洋蔥性溫又可以發汗散寒,排水腫,含硫化合物,能夠排出體內農藥等不良物質。推薦吃法:加在各式三明治中;也可以切粒加在湯品中。也可以煮一鍋以洋蔥為主的蔬菜湯,加入綠花椰菜,胡蘿蔔,芹菜等多種高纖蔬果,能分解體內 累積的毒素,有助排便。

3. 綠豆 

4. 地瓜 
拜健康風潮之賜,地瓜的行情也愈炒高,一年比一年貴,今年更出現了黃﹑紅﹑紫三色地瓜以及口感更細更香的栗子地瓜。地瓜所含的纖維質鬆軟易消化,可促進腸胃蠕動,有助排便。地瓜含有幫助消化的纖維質,也是一種鹼性食品,含高纖維素,除可以滑腸通便外,還可中和人體內所累積過多的酸,如吃太多的肉類蛋,或疲勞引起的酸。此外地瓜中的膠原及粘液多醣類物質,可以預防動脈血管硬化與保持血管彈性,加強多餘膽固醇的排泄作用,是一種好吃又有用的蔬菜。推薦吃法:最棒的吃法是烤地瓜,而且連皮一起烤,一起吃掉,味道爽口甜美。一般來說,吃地瓜當然也必須配合自然律例作息,能夠在上午6 點半以前排便,就能讓小腸吸收地瓜 90%以上的功效。尤其是癌症或是重症患者想要靠地瓜袪病,一定要砥礪自己在上午6 點半以前吃完地瓜,7 點以前排便。一般人若是無法在上午6 點半以前吃完,也應該要在中午12 點以前吃完。因為下午以後身體的新陳代謝變差,地瓜的醣容易累積,因此 中午12點以後就不應該再吃地瓜了。

5. 花椰菜 
屬十字花科,具抗氧化功效己有醫學證明可以抵抗癌症此外也有清熱利尿預防水腫並提昇免疫系統。花椰菜有綠色和白色兩種,含有豐富的胡蘿蔔素,維生素B1及C。還含有豐富的鈣﹑硫﹑鉀和少量的硒(Se)這種物質具有抗癌的功效,並且可以預防心臟疾病和關節炎等症狀),另外,花椰菜中也含有一種物質稱為lndol-3 carbonal,可以增女性雌激素的分泌,防止乳癌,所以多吃椰菜有益身體健康。推薦吃法:可與海鮮食材搭配食用。直接用水燙過實用,簡單灑上鹽巴,味道鮮美也最營養。

6. 南瓜 

7. 菇類 

8. 芽菜 

9. 香菜 

10. 蘋果 

Nowadays, toxins are everywhere, so "detoxification" is a very important defense mechanism in terms of healthcare. The concept of detoxification is, however, not very common. Without a good understanding of the source of toxins and their harm to our body, it is not easy to employ the appropriate detoxification through diet or drugs. If used improperly, it may lead to addition burdens. A medical professional should be consulted prior to use of drugs or undertaking of dietary programs. The food magazine Vita invited Chinese medicine practitioners, nutritionists and other experts to select the top 10 detoxifying food suitable to Asians. Many people would think "no sickness is good health". However, this is not an accurate concept of health. Bad diet habits and lifestyle can make your health deteriorate unconsciously. In reality, people nowadays under high pressures in balancing their life are easily attracted by to various types of unhealthy food that are high-fat, high cholesterol, high-sodium, low-fiber, low-carbohydrate, etc. Consequently, they will weaken the immune system opening the door for various chronic diseases. With the advancement of medicine, many rely heavily on drugs and are less conscious about the fundamentals of diet. Detoxification is to make use of the healthy food to remove the toxins from the body. Pesticides on food are common and when they enter and aggregate in our body, it is not hard to image how harmful are they. To maintain a healthy body, we need to eliminate toxins from inside. Many kinds of food have detoxifying effects in general. There are many ways in detoxification. The high fiber, low fat, low sugar, low salt approach is most popular. Sweet potato, brown rice, fresh fruits and vegetables are good candidates as they are effective in toxin removal, highly acceptable, safe, economical, and easy to find. The following are tthe top 10 food selected for detoxification purposes.

1. Seaweed 
Seaweed is rich in polysaccharides and highly alkaline. It can neutralize gastric acid, promote detoxification, prevent fat accumulation and help metabolism. Kelp is rich in alginate, mannitol, protein, fat, carbohydrates, crude fiber, carotene, vitamins B1, B2, C, iodine, niacin, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other elements. Especially with iodine, it is very useful in treating goiter and other diseases caused by iodine deficiency. It contains protein and eight amino acids. Iodine when absorbed can accelerate detoxification. In addition, it can lower blood pressure and prevent arteriosclerosis.

2. Onion 
Onions can promote gastrointestinal movement and strengthen digestion. Its sulfur combined with protein benefits the liver most, thus contributing to detoxification. The "warm" property of onion enables easy sweating and rowing edema. Sulfur compounds can rid the pesticides and other undesirable substances. Recommendation: Add raw onions in a sandwich; add diced onions to soup with broccoli, carrots, celery and other high-fiber vegetables in order to break down toxins accumulated in the body and to help bowel movement.

3. Green bean 
Green bean is used in a variety of drugs by Chinese medicine professionals. Regular consumption of green bean can help getting rid of toxins from the body. It regulates metabolism. Green bean soup is best for detoxification and maintenance of healthy skin. With honey together, its detoxification effect is even better. Many people often eat bean sprouts (from green beans), because it is affordable. But very few know that green bean sprouts also has high medicinal value. Recommendation: barley and green bean soup, blend green beans with boiled soy milk (or milk).

4. Sweet potato 
Due to the recent trend with concerns in health, the demand for sweet potatoes is up year after year with supply of sweet potatoes in different color and flavor. Sweet potato contains digestible fiber which can facilitate bowel movement. In addition, it can also neutralize acid accumulated in the body. Furthermore, sweet potato''s collagen and mucus polysaccharides can prevent arterial sclerosis. It also plays an important role in keeping vessels elastic and in excreting excess cholesterol. Recommendation: baked sweet potato with skins. For health purposes, timing is important. The rule of thumb is to eat it early in the morning (e.g., 6:30 a.m.) before normal bowel movement time. This is to maximize intestinal absorption of sweet potatoes. This is particularly necessary for patients with serious illness wanting to use sweet potatoes for cure. Eating sweet potatoes after 12:00 is not desirable because the metabolism will slow down in the afternoon. On the contrary, sugar from sweet potatoes will remain unprocessed.

5. Cauliflower 
Cauliflowers (white) and broccolis (green) are cruciferous. Their antioxidant properties could have been proven with medical evidence that they can help to fight cancer. They also helps to prevent edema, increase the discharge of urine and to enhance the immune system. Cauliflower and broccolis are rich in β-carotene, vitamins B1 and C. They are also rich in calcium, potassium and small amounts of selenium (Se), a substance effective with anticancer, anti-heart disease and arthritis and other symptoms. Additionally, there is a substance called lndol-3 carbonal, which can increase the secretion of female hormone estrogen to prevent breast cancer. Recommendation: cook with seafood or cook in boiling water with a sprinkle of salt. They are nutritious, healthy and delicious.

6. Pumpkin 
Chinese medicine considers the pumpkin an excellent food for the heart, the spleen, the lungs as well as inner energy (qi). Pumpkin is indeed a very nutritious healthy food to be highly valued. It is rich in vitamins A and E to benefit human immunity especially during autumn. Pectin contained in pumpkin can "absorb" bacteria and toxic substances, including heavy metals such as lead. Besides the detoxification effect, pectin can also protect the stomach and reduce the chance for ulcer. Recommendation: pumpkin porridge, pumpkin soup.

7. Mushrooms 
Mushrooms are rich in mucopolysaccharide, protein, fiber, minerals, etc. Not only nutritious, they are effective in anti-cancer and detoxification. Their high-fiber, low calorie properties make them ideal for weight watchers because mushrooms can fill you up without gaining weight. Mushrooms have many other health benefits because they contain nucleotides. They are delicious and so convenient to cook. Recommendation: mushroom chicken soup, mushrooms over rice, boiled mushrooms with other vegetables.

8. Sprouts 
With protein than higher meat bean sprouts are highly nutritious. Protein in 1 gram of bean sprouts is equivalent to about 4 grams of meat. Sprouts contain ammonium acid, vitamins, calcium, potassium, iron and other minerals. The properties of high vitamin C and low fat, low starch and low sugar can produce good results for the prevention of constipation, weight loss, etc. Eating bean sprouts can help bowel movement. It is the ideal natural health food with good detoxification effects. Recommendation: a mix of a variety of bean sprouts (e.g., alfalfa sprouts) topped with sugar-free yogurt and organic plum sauce or honey, add sprouts in salad, or eat sprout with an empty stomach for weight loss and detoxification.

9. Coriander 
Nutrient-rich coriander (or parsley) contains vitamin C,β-carotene, vitamins B1 and B2, etc., and rich in minerals such as calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium. It also contains essential oil, and apple potassium. Vitamin C in coriander is much higher than ordinary vegetables. For most people, 7-10 grams of coriander will meet the demand of daily vitamin C. Its carotene content is 10 times higher than that in cucumber, tomato and soy bean. Recommendation: three meals a day with plenty of coriander (or parsley). Breakfast: coriander with apples, raisins, and nuts blended into juice; Lunch: eat with other food; Dinner: coriander with scrambled eggs , with pumpkin, or just bibimbap (mix with rice) for dinner.

10. Apple 
Apple is rich in vitamins B1, C, B5,β-carotene, fats, carbohydrates, protein, pectin, calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, fiber, malic acid and tannin. Zinc is the essential element in nucleic acid and protein which is closely related to memory functioning. Deficiency in zinc affects memory. Apple has been regarded to as the food for intelligence. New research shows that apple peels are rich in phytonutrients that have potent anti-cancer properties against breast, colon and liver cancer cells. The apple peel is also known to have a substance (天車菊素) that can stop vomiting. Unfortunately, many apple peels come with paraffin wax and pesticide residues that are not suitable for eating.Recommendation: eat apple daily to clear up the stool. In meals toward the weekend, eat apple with yogurt and sweet potato to prepare for a thorough clean-up when it''s most convenient.

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