Friday, May 16, 2014

20 Excel Spreadsheet Secrets

20 Excel Spreadsheet Secrets You’ll Never Know If You Don’t Read This


After Microsoft developed Excel to the 2010 version, it offered more surprises than ever. In order to deal with tons of big data, you can’t ignore the important role Excel plays in daily work. However, both for beginners and advanced users, there are still many useful tips and tricks that are inevitably overlooked. Here are 20 useful Excel spreadsheet secrets you may not know. Please note that all these functions are based on Microsoft Excel 2010.

1. One Click to Select All
You might know how to select all by using the Ctrl + A shortcut, but few know that with only one click of the corner button, as shown in the screenshot below, all data will be selected in seconds.

2. Open Excel Files in Bulk
Rather than open files one by one when you have multiple files you need to handle, there is a handy way to open them all with one click. Select the files you would like to open then press the Enter key on the keyboard, all files will open simultaneously.

3. Shift Between Different Excel Files
When you have different spreadsheets open, it’s really annoying shifting between different files because sometimes working on the wrong sheet can ruin the whole project. Using Ctrl + Tab you can shift between different files freely. This function is also applicable to other files like different Windows tabs in Firefox when opened using Windows 7.

4. Create a New Shortcut Menu
Generally there are three shortcuts in the top menu, which are Save, Undo Typing and Repeat Typing. However, if you want to use more shortcuts, like Copy and Cut, you can set them up as follows:

File->Options->Quick Access Toolbar, add Cut and Copy from the left column to the right, save it. You will see two more shortcuts added in the top menu.

5. Add a Diagonal Line to a Cell
When creating a classmate address list, for example, you may need a diagonal link in the first cell to separate different attributes of rows and columns. How to make it? Everyone knows that Home->Font-> Borders can change different borders for a cell, and even add different colors. However, if you click More Borders, you will get more surprises, like a diagonal line. Click it and save—you can now make it immediately.

6. Add More Than One New Row or Column
You may know the way to add one new row or column, but it really wastes a lot of time if you need to insert more than one of these by repeating this action X number of times. The best way is to drag and select X rows or columns (X is two or more) if you want to add X rows or columns above or left. Right click the highlighted rows or columns and choose Insert from the drop down menu. New rows will be inserted above the row or to the left of the column you first selected.

7. Speedily Move and Copy Data in Cells
If you want to move one column of data in a spreadsheet, the fast way is to choose it and move the pointer to the border, after it turns to a crossed arrow icon, drag to move the column freely. What if you want to copy the data? You can press the Ctrl button before you drag to move; the new column will copy all the selected data.

8. Speedily Delete Blank Cells
Some default data will be blank, for various reasons. If you need to delete these to maintain accuracy, especially when calculating the average value, the speedy way is to filter out all blank cells and delete them with one click. Choose the column you want to filter, go to Data->Filter, after the downward button shows, undo Select All and then pick up the last option, Blanks. All blank cells will show immediately. Go back to Home and click Delete directly, all of them will be removed.

9. Vague Search with Wild Card
You may know how to activate the speedy search by using the shortcut Ctrl + F, but there are two main wild cards—Question Mark and Asterisk—used in Excel spreadsheets to activate a vague search. This is used when you are not sure about the target result. Question Mark stands for one character and Asterisk represents one or more characters. What if you need to search Question Mark and Asterisk as a target result? Don’t forget add a Wave Line in front.

10. Generate a Unique Value in a Column
You are aware of the key function of Filter, but few people use the Advanced Filter, which will be repeatedly applied when you need to filter a unique value from data in a column. Click to choose the column and go to Data->Advanced. A pop-up window will show up. As the screenshot shows, click Copy to another location, which should be in accord with the second red rectangular area. Then specify the target location by typing the value or clicking the area-choosing button. In this example, the unique age can be generated from Column C and show in Column E. Don’t forget to choose Unique records only, then click OK. The unique value showing in column E can be the contrast of the original data in C, that’s the reason why it is recommended to copy to another location.

11. Input Restriction with Data Validation Function
In order to retain the validity of data, sometimes you need to restrict the input value and offer some tips for further steps. For example, age in this sheet should be whole numbers and all people participating in this survey should be between 18 and 60 years old. To ensure that data outside of this age range isn’t entered, go to Data->Data Validation->Setting, input the conditions and shift to Input Message to give prompts like, “Please input your age with whole number, which should range from 18 to 60.” Users will get this prompt when hanging the pointer in this area and get a warning message if the inputted information is unqualified.

12. Fast Navigation with Ctrl + Arrow Button
When you click Ctrl + any arrow button on the keyboard, you can jump to the edge of the sheet in different directions. If you want to jump to the bottom line of the data, just try to click Ctrl + downward button.

13. Transpose Data from a Row to a Column
You would use this feature if you want to transpose data to get a better display; however, retyping all data would be the last thing you would need to do if you know how to use the Transpose function in Paste. Here’s how: copy the area you want to transpose, move the pointer to another blank location. Go to Home->Paste->Transpose, please note that this function won’t activate until you copy the data first.

14. Hide Data Thoroughly
Almost all users know how to hide data by right clicking to select the Hide function, but this can be easily noticed if there is only a little bit of data. The best and easiest way to hide data thoroughly is to use the Format Cells function. Choose the area and go to Home->Font->Open Format Cells->Number Tab->Custom->Type ;;; -> Click OK, then all the values in the area will be invisible, and can only be found in the preview area next to the Function button.

15. Compose Text with
Complicated formulation is unnecessary, as long as you know how to use &. You can compose any text freely with this symbol. Below I have four columns with different texts, but what if I want to compose them to one value in one cell? First, locate the cell that is to show the composed result, use the formulation with & as shown in the screenshot below. Click Enter: all texts in A2, B2, C2 and D2 will be composed together to become LizaUSA25@ in F2.

16. Transforming the Case of Text
With all the tricks shared here, I’ve tried my best to avoid complicated formulation. But there are still some simple and easy to use formulations to show you, like UPPER, LOWER and PROPER, which can transform texts for different purposes. UPPER will capitalize all characters, LOWER can change text to all lower case and PROPER will only capitalize the first character of a word.

17. Input Values Starting with 0
When an input value starts with zero, Excel will delete the zero by default. Rather than reset the Format Cells, this problem can be easily solved by adding a single quote mark ahead of the first zero, as shown.

18. Speed up Inputting Complicated Terms with AutoCorrect
If you need to repeat the same value and it is complicated to input, the best way is to use the AutoCorrect function, which will replace your text with the correct text. Take my name, Liza Brown, for example, which can be replaced by LZ. Therefore, every time I input LZ, it can autocorrect to Liza Brown. Go to File->Options->Proofing->AutoCorrect Options and input Replace text with correct text in the red rectangular area, as below.

19. One Click to Get More Status
Most users know how to check the data status in the bottom of an Excel sheet, like Average and Sum Value. However, do you know you can move the pointer to the bottom tab and right click to get more status, as shown below?

20. Rename a Sheet Using Double Click
There are multiple ways to rename sheets, and most users will right click to choose Rename, which actually wastes a lot of time. The best way is to just click twice, then you can rename it directly.



< td colspan="2" >Image

1. 电饭煲骨汤土豆焖饭

< td colspan="2" >材料

< td colspan="2" >米2杯,马铃薯 (大)1个,排骨汤1碗(根据煮饭的量来决定)

< td colspan="2" >做法









2. 香肠煲饭
29th02材料 米,香肠,洋葱,豆芽,姜,香菇 调味料 盐,鸡精,老抽,白糖 做法 1.所有材料切片或丝。 2.用和平时一样多的水煮饭,煮的时候就可以放豆芽进去。 3.锅内放适量油,烧7成热后放入洋葱和姜片炒香。如果喜欢吃辣,可以加些辣椒 4.放入香肠炒变色,再放入香菇和豆芽翻炒几下。 5.放老抽调色加味。快熟时放入盐,糖,鸡精。少量的糖有提鲜的作用。微甜的味道也很美妙。 6.材料都炒软了即可出锅。此时应略有汤汁。 7.在米饭煮到约7成熟时(表面像粥一样有泡泡),拌入炒好的香肠菜。汤汁可以加进去一些,开锅的时候会有一些水分流失,所以正好起到补充的作用。煮出来的饭也不会水多。 8.继续煮饭。煮好后需再焖半个小时,让饭更美味。 9.顺便煎了个鸡蛋。煮好的鸡蛋用切蛋器切成片小火煎一下就行。纯属打发时间,可以省略,呵呵。 照片来源: 3. 香甜米仁粥 29th03材料 糯米150克,米仁100克,红枣10枚,红糖100克,水1500ml 做法 1.糯米、米仁洗净放入电饭煲内. 2.加入红糖及水. 3.将电饭煲调到煮粥档. 4.时间到即可食用. 照片来源: 4. 红豆南瓜饭 29th04材料 红豆50克,南瓜160克,米260克,水270毫升 做法 1.红豆提前用清水浸泡一夜之后,捞出沥水待用; 2.南瓜去皮去瓤,切成小拇指尖大小的南瓜丁; 3.大米淘洗干净,放进电饭煲; 4.将泡好的红豆和南瓜丁加入到大米里,用勺子拌匀; 5.加入270毫升左右清水到电饭煲中,煮熟成米饭即可。 小诀窍 水量根据自家大米平常使用的水量就可以了;南瓜160克为去皮去瓤后重量 照片来源: 5. 腊味香菇南瓜焖饭 29th05材料 米,南瓜,腊肠,香菇,葱花 调味料 香油,鸡精 做法 1.香菇温水泡发洗净切丁,腊肠切丁,南瓜去皮洗净切块备用。 2.大米放电饭锅里,洗净加适量清水,将1中的所有材料倒入,搅拌。再放 入少许鸡精,几滴香油,盖上盖子,按下电饭煲开关,待弹起后,稍微焖几分钟,撒上葱花即可。 照片来源: 6. 简易鸡饭 29th06材料(1人份): 鸡全腿 - 1支, 洗净后切成2块用少许盐腌15分钟。 米 – 3/4杯,洗净后泡水15分钟。 蒜头1 瓣剥皮拍烂, 姜一片。 盐及糖各半茶匙。 做法 1. 把浸泡好的米倒入电饭锅,加3/4杯水, 蒜头, 姜片, 盐及糖, 搅拌均匀。 2. 把鸡肉块排在米上, 加锅盖, 压下开关。 3. 电饭锅的开关电挚跳起后, 让饭及鸡肉块继续焖10~15分钟后, 把鸡肉块取出, 把饭搅拌均匀, 即可盛盘享用。 焖好后的鸡肉及饭,加些黄瓜块,就是营养的一餐 辣椒酱: 辣椒, 蒜头, 姜, 盐及糖,柠檬汁/酸柑汁, 加一些水用搅拌机打成辣椒酱。如嫌用搅拌机麻烦, 就把辛香料全剁成细末,或磨成泥,再加调味料搅拌均匀即可。 照片来源: 7. 杂豆黑米粥 29th07材料 黑豆,红豆,茨实,黑糯米,东北大米,香米任意组合……加水量视情况调节,我的总共用料为电饭锅所附量杯两杯,加水量为正常5杯米所提示的做饭刻度线 做法 1、把黑豆、红豆、茨实、黑糯米、东北大米、香米淘洗干净放进电饭锅 2、加合适的水量 3、选择粥模式,设定预约时间(安心睡觉……) 4、翌日,营养的杂豆黑米粥已经等着了…… 小诀窍 米可以多放几种,每种放一点。 照片来源: 8. 香肠土豆焖饭 29th08材料 米, 长豆, 马铃薯, 玉米粒, 香肠 ,榨菜 调味料 酱油, 盐,韩士辣酱 做法 1.将米洗净、长豆切粒、马铃薯去皮洗净切成约1cm的小丁、香肠切丁 2.上述准备好的材料和切粒的长豆、玉米粒一同放入电饭煲,加水没过所有材料一厘米,滴入几滴酱油,加两小勺盐拌匀 3.按正常煮饭程序至开关跳起后再焖10分钟 4.加入榨菜和适量韩式辣酱拌匀即可 照片来源: 资料来源:



現在世界上都知道怎麼吃大蒜,只有我們不知道。 告訴大家,(原來是必須先把它切成片,一片一片的薄片放在空氣裡15分鐘,它跟氧氣結合以後產生大蒜素。大蒜本身不抗癌,大蒜素才抗癌,而且是抗癌之王。) 我那天見人吃大蒜,他拿過一碗麵,然後很快就把大蒜剝出來了,一瓣一瓣地吃,還不到5秒鐘就吃進去了。
如果不按我的方法,那是白吃了。 大蒜有味不用怕,吃點山楂,嚼點花生米,再吃點好茶葉就沒味了。

高凝體質的人加上高凝食物,所以過年時心肌梗死的人特別多,年齡不限。 心肌梗死雖然無法治,但完全可以預防。
他發現以後,所有歐洲人、有錢有地位的人都吃黑木耳,而不吃阿司匹林了。 什麼樣的人是高凝體質?
第一過年時不要胡吃海塞; 第二多喝點好茶,活血化瘀;第三千萬不要生氣,一生氣血就稠。 喝白酒也容易血稠,要喝就喝果酒如荔枝酒、紅酒等,不超過100毫升。

人到老年就更難了,吃什麼?吃海藻,把它曬乾了包包子吃,然後喝海藻湯。螺旋藻是1962年發現,它 1克 等於 1000克 各種蔬菜的綜合。
我告訴大家,日本為什麼是長壽世界冠軍,他們一年消耗500噸螺旋藻,他們到中國旅遊每人都帶它。我們問他們,為什麼帶螺旋藻?他們說,8克 螺旋藻就可以維持生命40天。現在的太空食品,沒有帶包子大餅的,全都是螺旋藻。 螺旋藻在世界上很馳名了,所以你如果營養不好,別忘了這東西,它能平衡飲食的。 它對幾個病特別重要,第一是心腦血管病,它能降血壓、降血脂; 第二是糖尿病,這病是缺少蛋白、維生素,很難治癒,螺旋藻能補充維生素,而且螺旋藻的最大優點是使糖尿病人不得合併症,能跟正常人飲食一樣。
螺旋藻能使病毒不複製,而且大量氨基酸能使肝細胞恢復。它有膽鹼,能使肝功能恢復,提高免疫功能。 螺旋藻還有防輻射作用。

而且老年人的運動散步就可以了,20分鐘。 要想減肥不用這方法,飯前半小時到一小時吃2粒到4粒螺旋藻,然後食慾就減退了,而且營養不缺。歐洲人減肥全用螺旋藻,國內的少吃多拉不是辦法。
各位注意,早上起來開窗戶,不要在那裡大喘氣,因為致癌物質、反流物質都跑到你肺裡了,容易得肺癌。國際上警告說,早上6點至9點是致癌最危險的時候。 早起早睡身體好,不能一概而論。
你夜裡在家吸了一肚子二氧化碳,呼吸道里的毒素有100多種,又跑到小樹林裡,樹林裡早上又全是二氧化碳。 早上鍛鍊,基礎血壓高,基礎體溫高,腎上腺素比傍晚高4倍,有心臟病的人很容易出問題。
黃帝內經裡說"沒太陽不鍛鍊"。 我建議大家夏天早睡早起,冬天不要早上出去鍛鍊,而改為晚上鍛鍊。 也不是說什麼樣的人都早睡早起身體好,歲數大的人不要猛起。

午睡時間是午飯後半小時,而且最好睡一個小時,睡的太長對身體沒有好處。不要蓋大被子。 晚上什麼時間睡覺?
